Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Film Opening: Re-Filming


    Today I showed my teacher my film so far and asked for some advice as I felt a little anxious. She told me to add some more dialogue between the side and main character to develop more of the plot and what's going on. 
    Taking her advice I asked two good friends of mine to help me out.  As I am a girl, I physically cannot sound like a guy and make it seem like I'm pretending so, I asked my friend Baethal to speak for me in game. Baethal and I, as well as a mutual friend of ours, Nick, will all play a game together and record our conversation accept my mic will be muted until we reach the scene where my character disconnects from the game. When my character joins, it will be me specking instead of Baethal, this is where Nick will ask what happened to my voice and I don't respond as to show I'm in shock. 

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